Sunday, April 19, 2015

The Journey Begins - Qualifying for Boston

A few months ago, my running associate
2003 Ironman Coeur d'Alene

Back in 2000 to 2004, I had a determination for fitness.  I ran a lot, trained hard on foot, bike and swim.  I competed in Triathlons and completed 4 Ironman events, I also added ten marathon finisher medals to my collection.  I competed well enough to even get sponsored by a US Navy Running and Triathlon Team in the Pacific Northwest.  But somewhere in the middle of the decade the fire went out.  And fitness was put to the side.  Overtaken by Boy Scouting with my son, being consumed with my job overseas, and climbing the Navy promotion ladder.

Example: When I was 30-35, the qualifying time for Boston was 3hrs 10minutes.  My Personal Record (PR) marathon was only 3hrs and 30min and my average times were 3hrs40.  As hard as I trained, the time to get there was not within my grasp mentally and (probably) physically. 
However, the good news is Boston qualifying times are accommodating to the elderly.  That is to say, once you reach certain age groups the times are more lenient.  Example: I am now in my late 40s.  The Boston qualifier for the 45-49 age group is 3hrs 25min.  That is only 5 minutes from my PR.  Now you might think that with age comes the inevitable breakdown of the body, hence the accommodating times for the elderly.  But, the body breaking down is not necessarily the case.   
Like riding a bike or making love, you don't ever forget how to run.  In fact, as time goes by you know more about training, the ins and outs of racing, and you've learned a lot about what your body can do.  It's called Maturing, you are a different person at different stages in your life.  So you are as well being a mature runner. 
Little Rock 1/2 Marathon - March 2015
Don't believe that you can be a better runner as you age.  Okay... my PR in the Half was 1hr35min45sec in 2002.  In November 2014, I ran 1hr33min06sec and just this month (Apr2015) I ran 1hr34min51 in Arkansas.  In runs at 10miles and greater I'm hovering around 7min/miles. 
Yes, this is a bit of bragging, but it's also an interesting phenomena that even I had to take in and grasp.  I got better with age and now I have my sights set on BOSTON!  It's only 5minutes away and all I have to do is train and get it.
The Journey to Boston should end in April 2017 when I run it.  However, I have until September 2016 to qualify. Why so long?  Well, remember that maturity thing?  I know my body isn't ready.  Sure I've been fast, but fast mile 5 is not the same fast at mile 18 to 20.  I have yet to master breaking the "Wall".  Also, unlike my 30's, I don't plan to run a marathon every weekend.  This time I plan to strategize and train taking into account how far I can push and condition my body to not only go fast but to endure and succeed. 
Being in Memphis, the St Jude Marathon in December 2015 and the Shelby Forrest Marathon in February 2016 provide me great opportunities as official qualifier events.  It also gives me time to progress into those events in the various stages of preparation. 
By the way, if you think, I'm doing this from experience alone, you'd be mistaken.  To get smarter about running, you have to read from others such as G.B.Bloch, Meb Keflezighi, Runners Mag, and even Triathlete Joe Friel.  There is always something more to learn about your body, training, competing/racing, and running.  (This blog will NOT be a rehash of "Meb for Mortals")
Lastly, This blog is my diary in preparation towards Boston.  If you read it, I am honored that you took the time to do so.  I truly hope I am helping you in some way.  And, I hope you comment back with tips of your own, I will be more than thankful for your insights.  Also, If my stuff hooey to you, thanks again for taking a moment to read.
In advance, Thanks.  I hope to see you on the Road!  That's were runners go.
RussVegas 1/2 Marathon April 2015 (1st Place Age Group 45-49)

Okay, here I go... Pushing Publish now........

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